Without question, Facebook has become a powerful marketing tool for any business looking for fresh eyes on their products and services. One of the biggest challenges I hear from my clients is that they just don’t understand how a lot of this works. Facebook, when used as a business tool to grow your businesses exposure and create new lead sources, is much different than how you use it in your personal life. Having said that, It’s important to understand the tools and rules of the platform to use it properly. Here are some links to some incredible resources we have tapped into many times in our  own business. Almost everything you want to know about Facebook for Business are in these resources straight “from the horses mouth”! Enjoy! === QUICK LINKS === Facebook for Business Website www.facebook.com/business Advertiser Support www.facebook.com/business/resources Advertiser Education www.facebook.com/business/learn www.facebook.com/blueprint Advertising Best Practices www.facebook.com/groups/AdsBestPracticesSMB Video Tutorials www.facebook.com/marketing/videos Creative Tools & Tips www.facebook.com/business/a/creative-tools Guides for Advertisers www.facebook.com/help/337584869654348 Ads Guide https://www.facebook.com/business/ads-guide Advertising Policies https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads/ Help Center www.facebook.com/help Help Community www.facebook.com/help/community Report an Issue www.facebook.com/help/181495968648557 Give Feedback www.facebook.com/help/127103474099499
We know! It’s a lot to take in…

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Also, remember when we pledged to be better, kinder humans? You can start now by sharing these trends with all the desperate marketers you know. And the happy, relaxed, and well-rested ones, too… if you can find any. 


BIZ GROWTH MEDIA. Is an online marketing and business development firm based in the South East Texas area. Our commitment is to provide top-notch service and support while always looking for new opportunities to help our clients grow!

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